Randolph Place Condominiums is a 42 unit residential complex located in Northampton, MA. Managed by Karen Quinn, 413-582-9970.
CONDO OWNERS: Have you noticed a street light out in your complex? You can report it directly to National Grid here: National Grid Online Street Light Repair Request
ATTENTION LENDERS and REALTORS: The condo association's master insurance policy is held with JUBINVILLE INSURANCE, 413-538-8293. Please check the Master Deed and By-Laws to determine insurance requirements. The insurance company cannot release information until a closing date is set.
Condo Documents
Declaration of Trust & By-Laws
Declaration of Trust & By-Laws Amendment 2001
Declaration of Trust & By-Laws Amendment 2010
Owner/Resident Welcome Package
The forms in this section can be completed using a free online portal. Please click the link(s) below and follow the online prompts. If you wish to have a PDF document emailed to you, please contact the office manager, Lisa Nawrocki at info@hpmgnoho.comOwner/Occupant Information Form
Rules and Regulations Acknowledgement Form
Assent for Pet Form (no dogs allowed)
The parking Rules and Regulations of Randolph Place Condominums can be read here: Parking at RPC Owners and Tenants can submit their vehicle information here: VEHICLE REGISTRATION FORM A copy of all vehicle registrations is required before parking stickers will be issued. Please email them to your property manager Jon McGee by using this email address: info@hpmgnoho.com
RENTING YOUR UNIT? Please make sure your tenants fill out the vehicle and Tenant Information forms (contained in the rental package below) and submit them to Karen Quinn at The Hampshire Property Management Group. Owners are responsible for their tenant's behavior at the complex. Please make sure they read and abide by ALL the condominium documents .PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS A MOVE-IN FEE FOR EACH TIME A TENANT MOVES IN. Please contact Karen Quinn for more information.
Rental Packet (PDF)